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​Plan campaign

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Ideation Contest at Mega Day 2023 of MoMo

  • Objective: To educate users about the convenience of using MoMo to scan all types of QR codes and encourage them to adapt this feature.

  • Idea: MoMo quét là thích - Nhích mọi mã
    - "MoMo quét là thích" expresses the convenience and smoothness of scanning all VietQR and bank QR codes with MoMo.
    "Nhích mọi mã" emphasizes the ability of MoMo to scan any QR code.

  • Key communicate assets:
    1) Game "QR Care" - in app MoMo: The interactive "QR Care" game gamifies the QR code scanning experience, making it more enjoyable and rewarding for users.
    2) QR Code Experience Event: Event interactive QR code installation will be placed in popular public spaces to create buzz and encourage people to try out MoMo's scanning feature.

VietQR campaign

  • Objective: To educate and encourage users to utilize MoMo for scanning all VietQR and bank QR codes.

  • Suggestion idea: Có VietQR là có MoMo - Thanh toán nhanh gọn, 1 chạm là xong

       - "Có VietQR là có MoMo" implies that whenever users encounter a VietQR code, MoMo is always ready to provide a seamless scanning experience.
       - "Thanh toán nhanh gọn, 1 chạm là xong" highlights the two main unique selling points of using MoMo to scan VietQR codes.

  • Idea communicated: Chỉ 1 app MoMo - Quét mọi QR Ngân hàng

  • Key communicate asset - 30-second music video:

       - Idea: No matter where MoMo goes, whenever it encounters a bank QR code, it effortlessly be able to scan it, making it easy for users to scan any code.
      - The lyrics I wrote were chosen for this music video.

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Plan proposal Bobby

  • Objective: To increase sales and brand awareness for Bobby Thin & Airy diapers.

  • Idea: Mỏng nhẹ đón hè - Nhẹ nhàng làm mẹ

   - Making motherhood easier by ensuring babies are comfortable and happy during summer with Bobby Thin & Airy diapers.

​Trust service - Plan content for social feed - September 2023

  • Objective: To develop a content plan for September 2023 on MoMo's in-app social feed, focusing on the safety and security of user information.

  • Idea: Mỗi người dùng thông minh là 1 tự vệ hồng

       - "Mỗi người dùng thông minh" emphasizes the need for users to equip themselves with knowledge about information security better to protect their MoMo accounts and other banking/e-wallet accounts.

       - "1 tự vệ hồng" is a metaphor for MoMo's safety and security, using "pink" as a visually appealing and memorable element.

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